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How to create teams in Jacquard

Updated over 8 months ago

In the Jacquard Admin section, you'll find a users management area. In addition to giving new users access to your Jacquard instance, you can create one or more teams to which you can send your Audience Optimisation language variants for approval.

There is no limit to the users or teams an admin can create. Some possible teams might include a legal team, brand compliance team, proofing team, copywriting team, etc.

These teams are used in the external approvals process. To have this feature activated for your project, please speak with your Customer Success representative.

Creating a new team

Navigate to the Users page within the Admin section and then click Teams. Once you have existing teams, you’ll be able to see those teams and the users within them.

To set up a team, click the + Team button.

A pop up will appear. First, provide a unique name for the team and then enter the email addresses of those you want included in the team.

You can add people who don't have a Jacquard account. They will not be required to log into the platform to see the variants.

If you'd rather add users in bulk, you can copy and paste a list of comma separated email addresses. Simply click Add multiple users at once, and you’ll be provided with an input field to copy and paste your values.

When the email addresses have been added, click Create team.

You'll then see your new team appear with the email addresses included listed below.

Adding or removing a team member

You can add or remove team members from an existing team as well. Click the + icon next to the team name to add a new member.

Click the trash can icon next to the team member's email address to delete one.

Delete a team

Need to delete an entire team? Click the ellipsis next to the corresponding team name and you’ll see the option to Delete team.

Follow the prompt and the team will be deleted from the account.

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