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Cordial - Getting Started

Setup your Cordial integration

Updated over 8 months ago

There are very few requirements to get started with the Cordial integration.

The only thing we'll need to connect Jacquard with your Cordial instance is an API Key and your API URL. You should share this information with Jacquard via a one-time secure file sharing service, such as Privnote.

API Key creation

To create an API Key, navigate to API Keys within your Cordial account.

Then, click New.

We recommend naming your API key Jacquard API Key.

Jacquard will provide you with the IP Address to whitelist.

Lastly, check the boxes next to the following permissions:

Finally, let Jacquard know what URL you use when connecting with Cordial, as this will tell Jacquard what API URL to use when configuring your integration.

Next steps

Before continuing, it's important to know which testing methodology you'll be using. If this hasn't been discussed yet, speak with your Customer representative.

Experiment setup instructions differ based on whether you're using classic split test and deploy methodology or straight splits methodology.

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