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Dynamic Optimisation - Apple Mail Opens

Jacquard can display your data with or without Apple machine opens included

Updated over a week ago

Apple opens identification

Jacquard identifies automated opens made by Apple Mail clients for Dynamic Optimisation experiments.

An Opens table located beneath the primary results table is available in the Summary tab of Dynamic Optimisation experiments. The table shows the total number of machine opens and all other opens, as well as the percentage each comprises of the experiment's total opens.

Remove Apple opens from results display

By default, the results in the main Dynamic Optimisation graph and table pictured above show the data with machine opens included. The experiment results will continue show the same data shown prior to releasing this feature by default.

By unchecking the Include machine opens in results checkbox, the summary information, graph and main table will show results excluding machine opens. Generally, you can expect the open rate to decline (e.g. declining from 45%+ down to 20%+) and the overall uplift of the experiment to increase.

At present, this feature does not remove machine opens from the optimisation decisioning. We are investigating the viability of doing so in a future release.

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Last reviewed: 20 June 2024

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