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How to File a Support Ticket

Best practices for getting help from the Jacquard Support Team

Updated over 8 months ago

Every now and then, you'll find yourself needing some help in the Jacquard platform. Thankfully, we have an easy-to-use support ticketing system to help you file your requests in a timely manner.

How to open a ticket

Before we cover all the different things you'll need to know how to do when you open a ticket, let's talk about how you actually do it.

  1. Click on the support bug in the bottom-right corner of your screen from anywhere within the Jacquard app.

  2. Click on Send us a message.

  3. Click the button that relates to the app section you need help with.

  4. Select the proper ticket type for your request. Review our guidance if you're not sure which ticket type to use.

  5. From there, simply follow the prompts given to you in the support window.

Read the instructions carefully. Some ticket types have specific ways you must enter the data (such as avoiding mashing the enter or return key) to avoid submitting a ticket before you've completely filled out all of the details.

Ensure you completely fill out all fields requested. If fields are missing or incomplete, your resolution will be delayed.

Now, let's go over the best way to file your requests to ensure you get help in as expeditious a manner as possible.

Support availability

First, it's important to know when you can expect Jacquard support personnel to be online.

We have team members actively monitoring our support channels from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. British Time, Monday through Friday. When we're out of the office due to a holiday or other factors, we'll note it in our ticketing system.

Response time

Generally speaking when we're operating at full capacity, you can expect someone to accept and provide an initial response to your ticket in about a business day. If we are experiencing delays in our service, we'll also note that in our ticketing system.

Urgency levels

Certain ticket types will ask you to flag the level of urgency for your request. This is to help prioritise your request amongst other requests. Our guide below will help you determine what urgency level your request should fall under:

  • Low: A low-level request for information, a platform feature or further explanation of documentation. No immediate business needs are impacted by this request and there is not an imminent deadline.

  • Medium: The issue you're flagging is an inconvenience but you have found a short-term workaround. The loss of service is an inconvenience but otherwise you are able to continue normal business functions. There is a deadline for this resolution but it is more than a business week from now.

  • High: Important features are unavailable with no conceivable workaround. However, you are able to continue normal operations in a diminished capacity. Your issue requires resolution within the next business week.

  • Very High: Critical business functions are impacted and you cannot continue to work. Your request constitutes an emergency that requires resolution within the next 24 business hours.

Ticket types

When raising a ticket, we need as much information as possible in order to solve the ticket as fast as possible, so you'll be asked to provide relevant details relating to the ticket such as:

  • Experiment URL - This is the unique URL for the Jacquard experiment where you're experiencing your current issue. You can find this by navigating to the experiment you're having trouble with and copying the URL directly from the address bar at the top of your web browser. If you've had this issue on multiple experiments, please include the URL for the most recent example.

  • Issue urgency - This allows you to indicate the urgency of your request with one of four levels. Please review our urgency level definitions above.

  • Issue description - In this free text box, please provide as much detail as you can about the issue you're experiencing. The more detail you can give us, the greater the chance we can replicate your issue and resolve it quickly.

  • Screenshots - You can attach up to 10 screenshots to help us replicate, diagnose, and resolve your issue.

There are six different types of tickets available for Jacquard customers. We'll explain each of them below. Please note these ticket types relate to which Jacquard section (main navigation item) in which you're working:

1. Home

Use this ticket for any issues surrounding the home page / dashboard.

2. Experiments / Jacquard Language

Use this ticket for issues surrounding experiments in our Audience Optimisation product.

You can raise the following kind of tickets under this option:

Experiment Results

Use this ticket for issues surrounding results as part of a Jacquard experiment or any other results-related query.

Jacquard Language

This ticket also allows you to send a request off to our Language Team so they can make adjustments to your bespoke Jacquard language model.

Issues you can file under this ticket include:

  • I need help using the inputs for language generation

  • My language was approved but now I need to make a change

  • None of the generated language matches my campaign requirements

  • I need an overarching change to my language model

  • I need to provide an editorial calendar update

  • I need a custom experiment

For language help, we will typically ask for details surrounding the campaign in question, the human control language you plan to use, and examples of the type of language you need generated or the changes you need us to make.

For custom experiments, we advise you to raise a ticket after creating the experiment and pressing the Generate button for the experiment that needs custom language. This is so our language experts have all the necessary information such as human control, experiment name, deployment date, and more. (Don't worry if language has automatically generated at this stage; we'll update this during the support process).

The more detail you can provide for each question, the faster and better your results will be.

We will not ask for an urgency estimate on this type of request. Rather, we will ask for the date the impacted campaign or campaign type will next deploy. Please be as accurate as possible when providing this date.

Please keep in mind for requests regarding overarching changes to your language model, we generally require up to a business week to implement changes.


If you're having an issue with any Jacquard-supported integration, you'll want to use this ticket type.

If you're not sure if the issue you're experiencing pertains to a Jacquard integration, feel free to describe the issue you're having here and our support team will advise on whether the issue can be resolved from the Jacquard side or if you need to contact your integrated platform's support.

3. Content Feature

Use this ticket type for any issues experienced using Jacquard's Core Platform content generation technology. For issues with experiment language, use the Jacquard experiment language ticket type instead.

4. Reports

Use this ticket for any issues relating to Jacquard's reporting, whether it be with Performance reports, Insights reports, or the reports section in general.

5. Admin (Or access requests)

Use this ticket for issues surrounding the following Admin options in Jacquard:

  • Brand Voice

  • Users (including adding / removing users)

  • Settings

Admin features available vary based on your assigned role. Reach out to your internal Jacquard admin if you need a role change.

6. Feature Request

Please use this ticket for any feature requests that come to mind. We're always happy to hear of any improvements or updates we could make to the platform.

A feature request does not guarantee implementation. But we do read and seriously consider all feature requests filed.

Last reviewed: 10 July 2024

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