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Dynamic Optimisation - Test Mode

Always ensure your campaigns deploy properly by leveraging test mode

Updated over a week ago

What is test mode?

Test mode allows you to validate your dynamic experiment has been configured correctly in your email service provider prior to going live. You can also switch a live trigger experiment to test mode to perform ad hoc testing.

What platforms are supported?

Test mode is available for the following email service providers that support Dynamic Optimisation:

  • Adobe Journey Optimizer

  • Bloomreach

  • Braze

  • Iterable

  • MessageGears

  • MoEngage

  • Responsys

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud

While Adobe Campaign Classic does have Dynamic Optimisation available, it does not currently support test mode.

What happens in test mode?

Whenever an experiment is in test mode:

  • No optimisation will be performed (e.g. variants will not be dropped, variant proportions will stay the same).

  • Test mode data appears in a separate tab in an experiment's Results screen.

  • A warning message will make it clear the experiment is in test mode.

Newly started Dynamic Optimisation experiments will be automatically started in test mode until the experiment start date and time configured in the Dynamic Optimisation panel.

You can switch live trigger experiments into test mode in the Dynamic Optimisation panel.

What else should I know about test mode?

Test mode is always on before the start of an experiment

The Dynamic Optimisation panel will show the experiment is in test mode. If the experiment has not started, test mode cannot be switched off.

Test mode data is shown in a separate tab

There is a warning in the Results screen when the experiment is in test mode. Jacquard displays clock icons in the table if no results have been received, indicating Jacquard is waiting to receive results.

Once Jacquard starts receiving data, it displays the last time data in the app was updated. It can take up to an hour for test data to be processed and shown in the app for real-time integrations. Salesforce Marketing Cloud data is updated daily.

Jacquard displays all data received in test mode, helping you validate Jacquard is receiving sends, opens and clicks correctly.

Switching a running experiment into test mode

Live trigger experiments can be switched into test mode from the panel.

Checking the Run in test mode box and updating the experiment settings will switch the campaign into test mode:

Unchecking Run in test mode and clicking Update Settings will make the campaign live again.

Keep in mind

Jacquard does not delete test mode data, and there is no way for to clear test data within the app.

Test mode data cannot be switched from the Test Data tab to either Raw Data or Mature Data, so you must ensure your experiment is live mode when you're deploying to your actual audience.

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Last reviewed: 20 June 2024

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