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Notice: Help Centre Maintenance

We're undergoing abundant changes to update support materials

Updated over 7 months ago

Our support site has recently changed from to As such, we're undergoing maintenance to update various sections and articles to bring them up to date with the enhanced state of the Jacquard platform.

While we're working to make changes, you may encounter out-of-date information, images, and videos and/or broken links within articles. Rest assured, we are aware of all of these issues, and they are in the queue to be corrected as soon as possible.

In the meantime, if you encounter a broken link, simply replacing in the URL bar with will take you to the article's new location.

For example, if you encounter the following link:

You will find it no longer works. But if you replace with, you will arrive at the proper page. As in:

Thank you so much for your continued feedback and enthusiasm for Jacquard. We appreciate your patience as we update your support experience.

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