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Cordial - Broadcast Dynamic Optimisation

Get going with Jacquard broadcast Dynamic Optimisation experiments and Cordial

Updated over 8 months ago

Our broadcast Dynamic Optimisation integration works with Cordial's messaging. We're able to integrate real-time Jacquard technology into Cordial emails with a simple code snippet inserted into the subject line field.

Authorization token

The first thing you'll need to get started is a Jacquard Connect Server token. This is a string of characters that will serve as your password to access your Jacquard language.

You can request this from your Jacquard Customer Success representative if you haven't already been provided one.

Next steps

  1. Enable (or request your Cordial account rep enable) the Jacquard integration.

  2. Create your Jacquard experiment.

  3. Setup and test your email in Cordial to ensure your variants pull in and render properly.

  4. Deploy your email.

1. Enable the Jacquard integration in Cordial

Within Cordial, navigate to the Marketplace.

Click to configure the Phrasee tile and select Enable. This will allow the automatic flow of results between Jacquard and Cordial for your experiments.

2. Create your Jacquard experiment

Create your Jacquard experiment with your approved variants for the test. Once approved, you'll utilise the integration panel to configure the settings for your test in Jacquard.

Within the integration panel select:

  1. Optimisation Metric

    1. What Jacquard will use to measure success for a winning variant in your test.

      1. Opens to sends

      2. Clicks to sends

  2. Optimisation Schedule

    1. Set the start schedule to begin at least an hour before your Cordial message is scheduled to be sent.

  3. Minimum sends to the human control

    1. Over the course of the test, Jacquard will optimise and send more audience to the best-performing variant. By setting a percent here, it will ensure the human control always receive a percentage for the batch sent. This is optional.

  4. Once ready, click Start the Awesome

    1. This will initialise the Jacquard experiment. It will not schedule anything in Cordial.

3. Create your Cordial message

Create the message header and content and setup your audience. When you're ready to implement the Jacquard test, you'll only need to update the Subject of the message header and configure the schedule for the send.

  1. Update the subject line

    1. Within the subject line, you'll insert a code snippet that links to your Jacquard account and experiment. This snippet will dynamically insert the subject line variants when the emails are sent.

    2. Jacquard will optimise the variant batch proportions over the span of the testing period, with better-performing language variants receiving a greater proportion of the audience per batch.

Below is an example code snippet, which you'll need to update with your respective Jacquard API Token mentioned at the beginning of this article. You'll then update the experiment ID for each test you run. Jacquard can assist you in setting this up for your first test.

{$phrasee.campaign_id = 'INSERT PHRASEE EXPERIMENT ID HERE'} {if not empty($phrasee.campaign_id)}{$phrasee.api_key = 'INSERT YOUR PHRASEE API TOKEN HERE'} {$phrasee.url = "{$phrasee.campaign_id}&delivery_id={$message.msID}&recipient_id={$}"} {$phrasee.cacheMinutes = 0} {$phrasee.options.headers.Authorization = "Bearer {$phrasee.api_key}" } {$phrasee.options.headers.Accept = "application/json"} {$ = $supplements->getJson($phrasee.url, $phrasee.cacheMinutes, $phrasee.options)} {$utils->addSendTag('phrasee')}{$ = $}{/if}{$}

Once complete, paste the completed code snippet into your subject field in Cordial and Save.

Now, it's time to setup the schedule for your send. We will utilise the Throttled batch sending option for the test. Jacquard will optimise the variant batch proportions over the span of the testing period, with better-performing language variants receiving a greater proportion of the audience per batch.

Cordial allows for hourly batch sending intervals. Therefore, select the number of batches based on the length of your test (e.g. 5 batches = 5-hour test window, with a batch sent per hour). If you have any questions on how long to test and how many batches you should use, speak to your Jacquard Customer Success representative.

You'll then need to select the send start date and time. This start date and time needs to be on or after the start date and time you set in Jacquard in step 2 above.

Click Save once configured.

You can send a test message to ensure the code snippet pulls through correctly by clicking Send Test.

4. Deploy your email

Finally, you are ready to Schedule your message. Click Schedule Message.

Once the emails begin to send, Jacquard will automatically receive the results of each variant and optimise each batch for the best performing variants.

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