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Epsilon - How It Works

Step-by-step guide for completing your email experiment

Updated over 4 months ago

Step 1: Create your email campaign in Epsilon

Configure the properties for your email campaign. You will need to add the tag phrasee (as seen below) in order to see your Epsilon campaign within the Jacquard interface.

Next, configure the Audience for the send.

Configure the email body in the Content tab and Save your draft campaign.

Step 2: Create your Jacquard experiment

Create your Jacquard experiment. Once you have approved your variants, you will see an Epsilon Integration button on your experiment summary page. Click that button and the integration drawer will appear on the right side of your screen.

Step 3: Create your test variants

In the integration drawer, the first step you’ll need to complete is linking your Epsilon campaign created in Step 1 to your Jacquard experiment. You will do this by first selecting the Epsilon business unit and folder that your campaign is saved within. Then find your Epsilon campaign in the dropdown.

Click Create Test Variants. This will create the split test variants and populate the subject lines for testing purposes in Epsilon before scheduling.

Your Epsilon campaign A/B Testing configuration will now be updated and populated with your Jacquard variants and audience percentage for the test send. If you don't see your variants in Epsilon, try refreshing your page.

Complete any quality assurance testing in Epsilon as needed.

If for any reason you need to edit your variants or remove them from your Epsilon campaign, you can click Delete Test Variants within the Jacquard integration drawer for your experiment.

This will delete the A/B variants in your Epsilon campaign and remove the link between the two campaigns.

Step 4: Schedule your campaign

After you have approved your campaign in Epsilon, you’re ready to finalise the schedule in Jacquard. Within the integration drawer, enter the following details:

  • Date and time you want to send the split test emails

  • How long to wait prior to sending the winner (Jacquard recommends at least 4 hours)

  • Campaign end date and time (this is when Jacquard will pull in your final send results)

  • When to lock the audience for the send

    • Note: If you select Specific time before deployment, you will be prompted to enter the hours or days prior (as shown in the images below)

  • Seed List (optional - this seed list will be added to each variant within your deployment)

Click Schedule Campaign and your deployment will now be scheduled in Epsilon. If for any reason you need to cancel or change the deployment, ensure you do so within Jacquard by clicking the Cancel button.

This will cancel both the deployment within Epsilon and the scheduled results query in Jacquard.

Specific time before deployment:

Deployment scheduled in Epsilon:

Step 5: View your campaign results

You can view the results of the experiment within Jacquard once the A/B test completes. When the campaign ends, the results of the final send will also automatically be populated within Jacquard.

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