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SFMC - Scheduled Times

Dates and times

Updated over 7 months ago
  1. Select the time to send the emails.
    This is the date and time you want the split test to begin. For example, if your normal send time for the main email is 13:00, you will need to subtract the wait time (Jacquard generally recommends 4 hours) from that time to determine when you should start your experiment (i.e. 09:00).

  2. Final send wait time.
    This is the number of hours you would like the split test to run before sending the main send (e.g. 4 hours).

Using the above numbers as an example, the app would schedule the split test user-initiated email (<your-UIE-name>-Splits) for 09:00. The final user-initiated email with the remainder of your audience (<your-UIE-name>) would be scheduled for 13:00 on the selected day.

The results of the split test will be emailed to the user at the scheduled final send time.

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